Jean Claude Van Damme Does An Epic Split In A New Volvo Commercial

The fine folks at Volvo claim that this commercial is real and that Jean Claude Van Damme actually stood on the side-view mirrors of two Volvo FM trucks and slowly delivered a split as they drove in reverse. According to the YouTube page, the live test took place on a closed-off landing field in Spain and it only took one take. Again, Van Damme stood on the side-view mirrors of two large Volvo FM trucks and slowly lowered himself into one of his world-famous splits, and he did it flawlessly in one take.

Come on, Volvo, who are you trying to kid?

And yet, if this is fake, Volvo doubled down prior to the release of that commercial yesterday with this behind-the-scenes look at the commercial’s director explaining to Van Damme how it would all go down. Volvo – they’re boxy, but they’re good at commercials.