Oscar-Nominated Bradley Cooper Offered Role As Talking Raccoon

The Academy better start warming up Oscar nom number two for Bradley Cooper, because, in a story first reported by LatinoReview, the Silver Linings Playbook star has been offered the role of a talking Raccoon in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Galaxy is being directed by Super‘s James Gunn and scheduled for an August 2014 release. It seems like the perfect role for Bradley Cooper, because I finally won’t have to look at his disgusting face. Oh God, the flowing locks, the twinkling blue eyes – he’s hideous!

Marvel is already in production on Galaxy in London with a cast that includes Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista as space-spanning adventurers.

Also among the Guardians are Groot, a giant tree-man, and Rocket Raccoon, a genetically engineered procyonid with a knack for guns and explosives. Both characters will be CGI creations, and Raccoon has already proven himself to be a favorite among the fanboy crowd. (Vin Diesel is in talks to voice Groot.) [THR]

The Hollywood Reporter piece notes that a deal hasn’t yet been made and Cooper’s negotiations have just begun. But how much could there possibly be to discuss? Voice acting has to be the best gig ever.

“Okay, so we’ll pay you $2 million and you can record all of your lines at the same time and it should take you less than a day.”

“….Hmm. Sounds good, but… would it be possible to do them over the phone?”

[Picture via Getty]