Frotcast 164: Burnsy’s Corner, Laremy & Lieb, Pre-Gathering

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This week’s Frotcast is the last one before our Juggalo Vision Quest, as our flight to Illinois leaves in a matter of hours. This week, we bring on Orlando’s finest Uproxx blogger, Ashley Burns, for a spirited session of Burnsy’s corner that includes Corey Feldman’s new music video (below) and an 80s rush video full of the coolest frat bros you’ve ever seen (above and below). Richie C was the man. I’m pretty sure he’s Blowjob Stacey’s uncle. Matt Lieb is in the Frotquarters, Laremy gets blooped in via Skype, and we read your emails, play your voicemails, talk about movies, and wonder who’s most to blame for that awful Johnny Depp/Armie Hammer/Jerry Bruckheimer press tour interview. Thanks to everyone who came out to comedy on Sunday, it was great!

Listen, share, enjoy, and most of all, pray for us.


Just Feldman, chilling in the Feldmansion with a couple of Corey’s Angels. (Or so the official description says).

And here’s Chi Phi, in their finest hour. The saddest part of this rush video is knowing the chapter got shutdown after Dark Meat Dan’s date fell off that balcony after Cinco De Marcho and her pops sued. Harsh move, bro. RIP, Chi Phi. RIP Dark Meat Dan’s Date. Bush league, Dark Meat Dan’s Date’s Dad, you dick.

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