Woody Allen’s new movie starring Andrew Dice Clay and Louis CK

The last time Woody Allen went a full calendar year without releasing a movie he’d written was 1976, between Love and Death and Annie Hall, when he starred in The Front. The man is clearly insane, and his latest effort is called Blue Jasmine. Cate Blanchett plays a snobby New York housewife whose husband Alec Baldwin loses the fortune, forcing her to move in with her sister in San Francisco, where a cup of coffee will only cost you $6.95. Andrew Dice Clay has a bit part – which sounds weird, though I’ve always thought of him as one of the more actorsy of comedians – as does Bobby Cannavalle (Gyp Rosetti from Boardwalk Empire). It must ease Cate Blanchett’s transition that everyone in San Francisco talks like a mechanic from Brooklyn.

Related: Every Woody Allen stammer from every Woody Allen movie.