Site News: Uproxx & 5-Second Films Are Broing Down

Howdy, fellas and dudettes, it’s your old buddy Vince here. I’ve got some exciting news: Uproxx is teaming up with 5-Second Films to create a futuristic chimera of dickjoklian proportions, that our enemies will eventually come to know as UPROXX VIDEO, which promises to be the TRUCKASAURUS OF INTERNET. What’s that mean, you ask? Well, for the past few years, Uproxx and 5-Second Films have been sort of unofficial partners and co-cheerleaders, an arrangement that led to you seeing things like this:

In keeping with our mission to make these sites a virtual bitchin’ keg party full of smokin’ babes, chill dudes, chiller brew, and cat pictures till we spew, we’re taking our friends-with-benefits relationship with 5SF to the next level. Meaning, we’re going from occasional F-buddies to a sort of Bushwhackers-type partnership, where we stomp around the party spitting videos at you and wrestling each other. I’m sorry, I realize my metaphors can get a bit lofty. But the point is, we’ve started a YouTube Channel and you can expect to see 3-4 original videos per week. So start gettin’ lubed up, Cheech. The video annotations aren’t working at the moment, but you can subscribe like a boss right here. I. Could not. Be more. Excited. Now, if you need me, I’ll be shadowboxing in the corner until this meth wears off. Oh, and can someone check on Burnsy? I vaguely remember trying to kill him because I thought he was the devil.