Ruckus Brought: Wu-Tang Members Will Likely Play Themselves in Wu-Tang Movie

Deep within a New York Daily News article from earlier this week, after some unsavory NUGGETS about Renée Zellweger shopping at J. Crew and the poor bastard who Sofia Vergara divorced, was this SUPER NUGGET:

[Michael K. Williams], who turned heads as Omar in “The Wire,” tells us he’s preparing for his first lead role as the late Ol’ Dirty Bastard in an upcoming biopic about the troubled rapper, but adds that the producers of the movie, tentatively titled “Dirty White Boy,” “have no desire to cast any actors as the Wu-Tang.” So expect to see the RZA, GZA, Method Man, Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, and the other members of the groundbreaking hip-hop crew in the film. “We need all hands on deck,” Williams says. (Via)

I say the following without hyperbole: THIS IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER. Nobody wants to see, I dunno, Tyler Perry as Raekwon, but Raekwon as Raekwon in a movie about ODB that Williams told MTV will include “no buffoonery, for lack of a better word”? That makes me want to C.R.E.A.M. and cry tearz of joy. Now if they only can get RZA and GZA’s Coffee and Cigarettes co-star Bill Murray to play the dirty white boy…

My reaction to anyone who isn’t excited for this. (Via)