Bill Murray streaks with his clothes on, the crowd goes wild

Bill Murray is so universally beloved that he could show up to a restaurant, take a dump on someone’s fancy steak dinner, and the only thing people would be mad about is if he didn’t stay to pose for a picture. Because has such a cushion on what’s considered acceptable behavior, there are basically two kinds of Bill Murray stories: Those that show what he can get away with, and those that show why he gets away with it. I’d say this latest one is a pretty good example of the second.

During a rain delay during the fourth inning of a game between the Charleston Riverdogs and the Savannah Sand Gnats, Murray, 61, who is a part owner of the Riverdogs, a class-A Yankees affiliate, played slip and slide all over the field. As always, there are few things as fun as watching Bill Murray have fun. And this proves yet again that a rain delay has at least as good a chance of being interesting as an actual baseball game.

[Youtube via Buzzfeed]