Oscars? Woody Allen ain't care.

And now, children, I read to you from the book of “Woody Allen Ain’t Care,” volume three, verse 25, year 76.

Letty Aronson, producer of Midnight in Paris and Woody Allen‘s sister, said she hadn’t talked to the filmmaker but was “pretty sure” he knew he won for best original screenplay.
“He was saying that the NBA All-Star Game was on at the same time [as the Oscars] so he might have to turn the channel,” Aronson said. “But I bet [wife] Soon Yi told him he won.” [THR]

I’ve never considered Woody Allen to be what you might call a “man’s man” before this, but watching sports (and the NBA all-star game, no less, one of the most meaningless games in all of sports) while he was being awarded an Oscar seems like it qualifies. For the record, it was his fourth Oscar* and 23rd nomination. I don’t think I’ve even touched that many boobs.

*(Original Screenplay for Midnight in Paris, Hannah and Her Sisters (1987), Annie Hall (1978); and director for Annie Hall). Banner pic from Getty Images, via BestWeekEver.