Hunger Games still looks hella Hunger Games-y

I’m pretty ignorant about the whole Hunger Games thing, so I just assume it’s a book series for teens and adult women smart enough to be embarrassed about reading Twilight (DO NOT DISPUTE ME). Anyway, the new trailer for the Gary Ross-directed movie adaptation is here, and… correct me if I’m wrong, but (note: NEVER CORRECT ME) isn’t this just a teen version of The Running Man meets Surviving the Game (starring Ice-T, Rutger Hauer, and Gary Busey)?  Not that that’s necessarily a deal breaker. I’ll put up with a lot to see Jennifer Lawrence running (*swoon*) and Stanley Tucci with a blue ponytail and a suit made of glitter (*double swoon*). The Tooch Man! I love it. Here, watch the trailer, and then show me on this doll exactly where it Tooched you.

I hope this spawns a college sport where people run through a forest shooting each other with nerf arrows. That would be 100 times less lame than quidditch.

Opens March 23.