2012 Oscars Best Picture Bracket: Round 2

And Round 1 is ovah! Above are the films that advance to Round 2. Here are the final number of votes for each:

The Artist: 70 > Hugo: 17

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close: 4 < The Descendants: 86

Moneyball: 62 > The Tree of Life: 28

The Help: 39, War Horsey: 4 < Midnight in Paris: 46

It was a close race between The Help and Midnight in Paris. You ultimately decided that The Academy would go with Woody Allen’s witty banter over white folks curin’ racism. You may have underestimated their self-importance. Or you may have been right on target with their Jewishness.

Time to cast your vote in Round 2! Pick either The Artist or The Descendants from the left side AND either Moneyball or Midnight in Paris from the right side to advance to the next round. If you voted all the way through in the last round, you’ll need to vote again. You didn’t adhere to my rules and should consider yourself lucky that you don’t feel the back of my hand.