Alternate Posters for the Expendables

It’s a slow news day, so I thought that under the circumstances, this alternate poster for The Expendables 2 that “johnymyko” left in the comments section of my This Week in Posters post warranted recognition. Great job, dude. (It’s also kind of interesting to note that some nameless Asian chick made the poster while Liam Hemsworth and Randy Couture did not — as first noted by our friends at Fightlinker).
Oh, and he inspired me to make a few alternate posters of my own. (Yes, they all involve pepper spray).

I call this one “get off my plane.”
Real-life Chuck Norris is kind of an asshole, but fictional Chuck Norris is awesome, so here’s your Chuck Norris Fact for the day: Did you know GPS systems are required to shut down if they’re traveling at more than 1,200 miles per hour so that they can’t be used for missile guidance? It’s the reason Chuck Norris can’t get directions while he’s punching stuff.
I’ll be honest, the Van Damme ones didn’t turn out nearly as good as I would’ve liked, given the raw materials. On the plus side, I made you this gif:
I’m not the greatest gif maker, so if anyone can do this better, please, by all means.