First Official Picture of Superman. But where are his manties?!

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Warner Bros have released the first official picture of Henry Cavill as Superman in Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot, Man of Steel. Now, there are a few things to take from this. First, the suit looks very rubbery. It seems like that would be really hot to wear under your clothes every day like Superman does. Secondly, where are his manties? You can’t even tell if he’s wearing them! If Superman isn’t wearing his red underpants over his tights… what’s the point, you know? As long as they’re not those huge granny manties George Reeves used to wear. And finally, what the hell did they do to his hair? Where’s his little Superman spit curl? That was the best part! This looks more like some kind of greasy Puerto Rican pompadour (I meant the hair is greasy…).  “Mira, I fighteen for truth y yoosteece.”

Now that I think about it, minus the ‘S’, that whole outfit looks like something you’d see during the Puerto Rican Day parade. What, I’m racist now? Give me a break, it’s not like I called him the “Man of Steal.” Okay, okay, too far. Anyway I still have my fingers crossed for a giant spider in the third act.