Tribeca Film Fest forced to produce “A very serious drama about a man and his mustache”

You may remember that a few months ago I directed you to a post our video editor, Oliver had written about American Express’s My Movie Pitch contest for the Tribeca Film Festival.  Oliver dug up a few of the best (or worst, depending on your perspective) pitches and asked people to vote for them.  Some of you may be sad to learn that alas, Gesundheit, the movie about a killer sneeze epidemic, did not win.  The good news is that the Grand Prize-Winning idea, from John here, was just as good:

[The Awesome Adventures of Mr. Stache]
“This movie is going to be about a man who grows a mustache, but nobody likes his mustache, and people hate him because of his mustache.  All of his friends leave him, and it’s a very serious drama about a man and his mustache.  But he meets a girl who also wants to grow a mustache, and they fall in love.  And they grow a mustache together.  But when they get married, it gets really serious.  Because the guy has to go to work, he has to shave his mustache, and the girl is pregnant with a kid, who has a mustache.  And it’s just a really Greek-like tragedy about a guy and his mustache.”

According to the contest rules, “the winning pitch will receive a trip to New York City to see their concept come to fruition on the big screen at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival.”  Yep, someone at Tribeca gets to make The Awesome Adventures of Mr. Stache.  How would you like to be that intern?  “Hello, Mr. Selleck?  …Hello?  Sh*t, he hung up again.”

[picture via SelleckWaterfallSandwich]