Ricky Gervais asked to host next year’s Golden Globes (UPDATE)

UPDATE: According to TheWrap, the HFPA say they did not invite him back. “There is no truth to this rumor. We have not asked him to come back,” president Phil Berk said in a statement. “Nice try, Ricky.” So, it looks like we can go back to not caring about the Golden Globes again. Phew.

Two weeks ago, Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globes, having the audacity not to kiss everyone’s ass and even telling jokes about such taboo subjects as Charlie Sheen partying a lot and John Travolta being gay.  This led to a

“Ricky will not be invited back to host the show next year, for sure,” a member of the HFPA tells me, adding that Gervais’ relentlessly mean shtick could have even larger consequences. “For sure any movie he makes he can forget about getting nominated. He humiliated the organization last night and went too far with several celebrities whose representatives have already called to complain.” [Popeater via WarmingGlow]

Gee, Rob, it seems your sources have a pretty loose definition of “for sure.” (Though I enjoy how transparent they are about the corrupt nominations process).

Brit Ricky Gervais says he has been asked to present the Golden Globe Awards for the third year in a row, but is not sure he could do a better job than this year’s controversial performance, it was widely reported Tuesday.

Writing in UK entertainment magazine Heat this week, Gervais said: “The ratings went up again, and the organizers asked me to consider a third year.”

“[But] I don’t think I should. I don’t know what I could do better. I certainly couldn’t get more press for them, that’s for sure,” he added. [NYPost]

I checked in over at Popeater to see if they’d printed a retraction, but Rob seemed to be busy with a hard-hitting exposé on the color of Kate Middleton’s wedding dress.  (This just in!  It might not be white!  Or it might!  Really, it’s too early to tell!  Back to you in the studio, Jim!)

Of course they asked him back.  Offending a couple people is a small price to pay for making the Golden Globes seem relevant.