The Evolution of Nicolas Cage’s Hair

Another day, another Nic Cage mashup. This one runs through what appears to be his entire filmography to give us a glimpse of his hair in each movie. It impressed the crap out of me not so much because it is mind-blowing or hilarious (like the Nic Cage freaking out mashup, also by Pajiba‘s Harry Hanrahan), but because of its comprehensiveness. Nic Cage has done a butt-ton of movies, and to make this two and a half minute clip, freely given away on YouTube, Mr. Hanrahan had to sit through enough of EVERY Nic Cage movie to cut out a clip displaying his hair. I don’t know what the editing equivalent of the Purple Heart is (Purple Index Finger?), but he deserves it for what he puts himself through for our enjoyment. The man is a hero.

It’s also crazy how many different hairstyles Nic Cage has had in his film career, especially considering he plays pretty much the same character in every movie. Actually, maybe that makes sense. I bet the directors of his movies try for weeks to explain to him that he’s supposed to be acting like a downtrodden Southern farmer or something before screaming at the stylist, “JESUS CHRIST, just give him a mullet wig. The audience’ll get it.” I could also see Nic Cage explain his craft by looking deathly serious at the interviewer and saying some like, “My hair is my canvas.” Nic Cage is also a hero.

[via Pajiba –NERRRRRRDS!]