Sucker Punch Zombie Army Animated Short: The Trenches (Video)

Once upon a time, there was a filmmaker named Zack Snyder who wrote and directed a small, low budget, art house piece called Sucker Punch. Now I know what you’re thinking, you’re probably saying to yourself right now, “But Chodin, we haven’t heard anything about this mysterious film project?” To which I would reply, “Sucker Punch: guns, girls, zombie soldiers and dragons…opens next Friday, March 25th.”

*hacks into spittoon*

And to further amp your interest in next weekend’s opening box office, Sucker Punch, working with animator Ben Hibon, just released this 3-minute, animated short entitled The Trenches. It’s your typical, run-of-the mill origin story about where evil zombie soldiers come from. And no, it’s not Detroit.

Straight from the brain of animator Ben Hibon:

In Sucker Punch, the girls face off against an army of mechanized WWI soldiers. Through the use of clockwork and steam technology, human soldiers who die in battle are reanimated and sent back to the front lines. Although seemingly indistinguishable and soulless, the zombie army is not just made of gears and steam, but also of human flesh, bone, and memory. In The Trenches there is a tragic tale behind each lifeless mask. [blastr]

Catch the full video after the jump -it’s animation style is loosely reminiscent of the Watchmen motion comics, only this Sucker Punch animated short obviously doesn’t star a predominate blue penis, sorry.