At Long Last, It’s The Full Trailer For ‘The World’s End’

The World’s End is the long-awaited final chapter in the strangely-titled Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, and as the first official trailer revealed, this installment involves five childhood friends who reunite in their hometown to once again try to accomplish the famed “Golden Mile”. Basically, it’s a 12-pub crawl from one end of the town to the other, and it concludes at a pub conveniently called The World’s End.

Except this reunion goes awry when the townsfolk start acting suspicious, and by that I mean that they start shooting light out of every hole on their faces like they’re a bunch of British David Lo Pans. Yahoo! revealed the new, full trailer earlier today and it doesn’t really tell us much more than the first trailer did, but there is one very important difference between this one and the last – much more Rosamund Pike.

As always, one of my golden rules for Hollywood is “more Rosamund Pike”. Put her in your movie and I will see it. For example, Die Another Day was a horrible, horrible movie and I’d probably call it the worst James Bond movie ever made. But because it had Pike in it, I instead give that title to The World is Not Enough. After all, Rosamund Pike >>>>>>>>>> Denise Richards.

I apologize for implementing all of this science into a post about the trailer for what will most likely be an excellent film.