The Onion News previews The Green Lantern

I’m seeing The Green Lantern tonight and I am P-U-M-P-E-D.  Dude, when he says that oath about, like, being good, and protecting the earth from aliens and stuff?  Goosebump city.  It’s nice to see The Onion News Network giving it the serious coverage it deserves.

“Warner Brothers say the movie will remain faithful to the comic books, adapting a classic plotline in which the Green Lantern encounters a conflict and overcomes it using his lantern powers.”

“It really is a story that unites all of us. Young man, living his life, when suddenly… boom. He’s the Green Lantern, and he’s forced to deal with something.”

“Buzz is building about the films stars, such as Blake Lively, whose name seems to be floating to the top of lists of peoples’ names you hear.”

[via TheOnion, pic via Veidt (NSFWish)]