The ‘Zombieland’ TV Series Gets A Trailer, And No. Just No

Zombieland is one of my favorite horror comedies of all time. In fact, for awhile, I had reappropriateD the Zombieland movie poster for the Pajiba logo. I love this movie and the way it blends awesome zombie action with fantastic comedy writing, and the best movie cameo ever. This TV series that Amazon is developing based on the movie? It doesn’t look good. Not at all. It’s taken everything from the movie, slapped some of the film’s catchphrases into the trailer, and Britta’d it. In fact, that’s too nice a thing to say. It’s Chuck Lorre’d it. It’s like a multi-cam sitcom with zombies; all it’s missing is a laugh track.

You can watch the entire pilot on Amazon Instant, but before you do, just watch the trailer. I think you’ll reconsider any such notion.
